Residents collaborate on a green neighbourhood in C. Meunier Street

January 30, 2025
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Residents collaborate on a green neighbourhood in C. Meunier Street

January 30, 2025
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In Leuven's Nieuw Kwartier district, Constantin Meunierstraat is undergoing an impressive transformation. The city of Leuven is leveraging the planned work on its sewer system to simultaneously integrate a potential heat network and de-pavement in one breath. For this ambition to succeed, local residents must be given an active voice in the process. A participatory process under the banner of ‘Atelier Meunier’ is being used to explore, together with residents, how the street can be climate-proofed, in full respect of the heritage value and quality of life of the neighbourhood.

The test set-up in C. Meunierstraat, Leuven

Citizen participation as a driver for change

The participatory process in Constantin Meunierstraat started in February 2023 with an information session for the neighbourhood. During this meeting, the city of Leuven explained the plans for the redesign of the street. These plans were developed, in part, within the framework of the European JUSTNature project, which aims to bring nature-based, social solutions to cities, and as part of the Pilot Cities project, which identifies neighbourhoods and streets with high potential for a heat network.

Neighbourhood input and involvement are essential in this process. ‘Atelier Meunier’, the name for a series of participatory sessions, was set up by the city to actively involve residents in shaping the plans. By reflecting on solutions together and testing them out, the city of Leuven is working on a design that meets the needs of the residents.

From first design workshop to test set-up

  • The first design workshop took place in May 2023, in which residents got to work on designing a test layout for the central part of the street. The city decided to experiment with one-way traffic, with parking on one side only. This freed up space for pedestrians and cyclists, and green meeting spaces, which were jointly designed with the neighbourhood.
Design workshop
  • A month later, the first design for the test set-up - created by Lama architects and Sweco - was presented at an information market on Hoornplein. Residents were also informed about climate-proof solutions they could apply in their own homes and gardens, such as vertical gardens and rainwater collection systems.
  • In September 2023, the test set-up was really built, by the Leuven technical department and the department of green space management. Local residents also helped by planting greenery and installing sensors to gauge the effects of the changes. This project went beyond a simple remodelling: it was also a circular experiment. Materials such as recovered kerbstones and old train sleepers were reused to create planting beds and seating areas. Atelier Circuler built a pavilion for the neighbourhood, the roof of which consists of old banners from Leuven 2030. The run-off rainwater is collected and reused to water the park.
Neighbourhood pavilion constructed with recuperated materials
  • During the test set-up phase - which is still there for you to admire - sensors were monitoring the impact of the changes. Counting frames, installed at residents' homes tracked the impact of one-way traffic and the cut-off. Air quality is also measured, and two weather stations chart the effects of the set-up. The results of the traffic measurements and a broad survey of local residents were discussed at an evaluation event with the neighbourhood in December 2023, during which residents were once again given the opportunity to voice their opinion.
  • In April 2024, the first ‘Atelier Meunier’ about energy was organised, where concepts such as ‘green heat’ ‘heat networks’ etc., as well as energy renovation, were discussed with the neighbourhood.
  • The planning & design team took residents' feedback and measurement results seriously. Based on that feedback, adjustments were made to the test set-up in May 2024: alongside other modifications, the test area was extended in many places. One-way traffic was also stretched across the entire street.
  • An online and paper survey was launched in July 2024 to reach as many local residents as possible. The survey polled their interest in heat networks, and the renovation rate of homes.

The approach taken for C. Meunierstraat demonstrates the power of a flexible, participative process: residents were given multiple opportunities to contribute and their input led to adjustments to the design. Teaming up with the residents to test the trial set-up provided numerous insights into how the street is used, which elements work and which ones don't.

Neighbourhood information market

Final design ready in Spring 2025

Based on the outlined policy, measurements, the results of the test set-up and feedback from residents, the design team is now working on the final design of Constantin Meunier Street. In January, the evaluation of the test set-up and the resulting starting points for the final redevelopment of the street were presented to the neighbourhood in another 'Atelier Meunier' workshop. The proposed design will not only transform the street itself, but might also serve as an example for other streets to be climate-proofed in the future. The results of the feasibility study for the heat network - which is being prepared in collaboration with Sweco and ECoOB - are also expected soon, after which it will become clear whether district heating will also become a reality for the new C. Meunieurstraat 2.0.

Neighbourhood information moment
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003757. Read more here:

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101036519. Read more here:

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