Roadmap towards a climate neutral Leuven
An ambitious goal needs a robust plan. That is why in 2019 we drew up the Roadmap towards a climate neutral Leuven by 2050 together with several Leuven-based experts. In thirteen programmes on themes such as energy, mobility and food, the steps our city needs to take are grouped on a timeline. The Roadmap is our guide and gives direction to everything we do. Now that the European Commission has selected us for the mission '100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030', we will further underpin the Roadmap to accelerate its implementation.

A unique plan
A unique plan to speed up the achievement of the European climate ambitions in Leuven. To ensure that our city is climate neutral by 2050 at the latest and that it takes on a pioneering role in Europe to inspire other cities.

Drawn up with experts
Drawn up with the help of a large group of experts, including KU Leuven, the city of Leuven and knowledge companies in Leuven. The Roadmap builds on a comprehensive scientific report from 2013.

Signed by key partners
Signed by key partners without whom the achievement of the Roadmap would be impossible. These partners undertake to align their policies with the challenges set out in the Roadmap. The Roadmap indeed is a plan that cannot be implemented by our non-profit organisation alone, but will require many collaborations.
Sharpened in light of the European Mission
The European Commission has selected us as pioneer city for the mission '100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030'. Therefore, we are now further underpinning the Roadmap with a financial plan and an adapted step-by-step plan for its accelerated implementation. With a Climate City Contract for Leuven we want to raise the level of ambition and do everything we can to aim for climate neutrality as early as 2030.